
Top restaurants and bars for May 2023
Alcohol sales for the month of May are down 7% from April....

Top restaurants and bars for April
Alcohol sales for the month of April are up 2% from March....

Top restaurants and bars for March
Alcohol sales for the month of March are up 12% from February....

Top restaurants & bars for February
Alcohol sales for the month of February were virtually unchanged from January....

Top restaurants & bars for January
Alcohol sales for the month of January were down 17% from December....

Alcohol sales for the month of December were up 13% from November....

Top Restaurants & Bars for November
Alcohol sales for the month of November dropped 17% from October. To...

Top restaurants & bars for October
Alcohol sales for the month of October were up 3% from September....

Top restaurants & bars for September
Alcohol sales for the month of September were up 7% from August....

Top restaurants & bars for August
Alcohol sales for the month of August were down 8% from July....